Various design samples

3 Steps to Create An Interior Finishes Palette

When we are in the first stage of the design process with a client, we always present an overall vision. To do this, we can’t go past using our trusty interior finishes palettes, or mood-boards, to establish the style and materials direction. So, today we’re taking you through three steps we use to create these interior finishes palettes.


1. Think about the overall colour scheme

Identifying an initial base colour and selection palette first and foremost is essential. Once we have the base colours and selections, light or dark, we can then start to add interest through various textures, patterns, colours and materials that complement the initial selections. Whether it’s by adding in paint samples, natural or engineered stones, veneers, fabrics, wallpapers, rugs and more. Also, we always take into consideration which materials will work within each space of the home.

Selection of samples for use at step 2


2. Consider Existing Furniture

We like to explore what type of furniture our clients currently have if they will be keeping it. Is it a certain style? Contemporary? Classic? Industrial?

Also, we always consider whether the furniture is light or dark. From there, we can start to pull together which materials and textures would match their existing interior scheme. From selections such as light or dark veneer to textures such as matte or shiny surfaces.

material samples


3. Find materials that suit the clients scenario

We like to briefly think about the clients current living situation, do they have children? what ages? or are they empty-nesters? This will drastically impact finishes selections. Our studio always wants to create a space that will be functional first and foremost for the client.

We hope you enjoyed these 3 tips to create an interior finishes palette.

Check out this video to see us in action putting one together for a client at our studio in Clovelly!

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