Render of a proposed bathroom renovation

The Four Stage Design Process

There are 4 stages to the design process at Hollier Studio. It’s a structured process in order to keep projects, big or small, moving along swiftly with the same level of detail and involvement. It’s a common question for clients to ask what the design process looks like with us, so we thought it would be best to lay out here.

To begin, we have an initial consultation to discuss the project brief and determine whether we’re the right fit for each other. If it is the correct fit, we send a ‘return brief’ and proposal which outlines all of your requirements and our design process and service fees. Once approved we can launch into the four stage design process for the project! Read on below to find out all about our structured design process…


The brief is established, and plans are reviewed and refined. An overall vision is presented using mood boards to establish style and palette of materials. This can include ideas for individual spaces in the project such as kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and so on. We believe this is the best way to establish the big picture for the project. This is then signed off by the client.

Below are examples of various palettes of materials for past client projects, as well as an example of images used for past client moodboards which established the style in order to help present the overall vision for the projects.

a. Palette of Materials

b. Moodboard of Images


The project is developed in more detail including sketch elevations of joinery for shelves, drawers and handles. Three dimensional renders are presented for key spaces to demonstrate the chosen materials and design for each area. The materials palette is refined into a scheme for each area. This is all presented in face to face meetings and the client comes away with a design booklet and box of samples for the project.

Below is an example from one of our projects where the materials palette has been refined into a scheme for this master ensuite. There is also a drawing to accompany it so the client can understand what the materials and design will look like in the space.


Drawings and schedules are prepared for purposes of submitting to builders and joiners for costing. We are available to answer any questions from the builders during the process. Pricing is signed off and the project is ready to be built!

Below is an example of a drawing that was submitted to builders and joiners for a past project.


The final stage in the process is the construction and we work with clients and builders, suppliers/contractors to ensure concepts, drawings and schedules are translated into the final outcome.

Below are examples of final outcomes for our projects.

Are you ready to start the design process with us?

If so, get in touch today, we would love to help you.

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